суббота, 28 апреля 2012 г.

Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios

Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios:
Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Genetic Mutation 3.2 Jordu Schell : Schell Sculpture Studios - Mutant Boy Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Leprecaun Jordu Schell : Schell Sculpture Studios - Todd Schorr Worm Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Alien Head Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Andromeda Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Gothic Demon Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Neutron Alien Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Boogedy 2 Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Hybrid 2 Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - GP-029 Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Alley Dweller Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Demon 3 Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Keeper Crypt Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Frankenstein 3000 Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Sanjulien Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Genetic Mutation 3 Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Bat Boy Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Gas Mask Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Cyclops Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Humanocerous Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Creeton Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Rotted Corpse Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Phaedron Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Nigel Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Astro Zombie Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Buggy Zombie Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Voloch Astronomer Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Genetic Mutation 1 Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Shock Monster Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Boogedy Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Zombie Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Pedarast Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Tusk Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Time  Traveler Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Monster 13 Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Venusian Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Kidd Monster Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Vampire Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Alien Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Monster.2 Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Monster.1 Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Monster.3 Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Man Thing Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Demon 2 Jordu Schell / Schell Sculpture Studios - Popeye Arms
See more at the Schell Sculpture Studio website.

Jordu Schell was recently featured on the four part mini series "Making Monsters" that includes Schell sculpting various abominations, read about the show at Scifimafia.com

Time lapse video featuring Jordu sculpting a creature..

And here's Jordu showing some of his insane monster creations on the show "You Bet Your Life" hosted by Bill Cosby from 1993.

Jordu's monster sculptures were previously mentioned in this post on Photographer Charlie White.