вторник, 30 октября 2012 г.

Laurent Durieux UNIVERSAL MONSTERS Detail Shots

Laurent Durieux UNIVERSAL MONSTERS Detail Shots:
Tomorrow, we are releasing Laurent Durieux’s Universal Monsters posters from our show currently on display at the Mondo Gallery here in Austin. Laurent produced a total of 5 posters for this show and each of them are stunningly beautiful and completely capture the mood of each respective film and monster. We wanted to show you guys the incredible detail that Laurent puts in so below you’ll find detail photos of each poster.

by Laurent Durieux

24″ x 36″

Edition of 475


by Laurent Durieux

24″ x 36″

Edition of 350


by Laurent Durieux

21″ x 36″

Edition of 375


by Laurent Durieux

24″ x 36″

Edition of 400


by Laurent Durieux

24″ x 36″

Edition of 380

Photo credit: Billy Garrett
These posters will be on sale tomorrow, October 30, at a random time right HERE. Please follow us on Twitter for the on-sale announcement.

воскресенье, 28 октября 2012 г.

Odd & Funny Vintage Halloween Costumes

Odd & Funny Vintage Halloween Costumes:

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Skull watch, 1780

Skull watch, 1780:

Hayden sez, "A good one for Halloween - this skull-shaped memento mori clock is historically important and even a little spooky today.

The Art of Mourning site is all about death and love in jewelry and art, so there are many examples of the symbols of death throughout history."

Watches and clocks with the memento mori motifs were not uncommon, dating from the mid 17th Century to the 1930s. This early Verge silver skull pivots at the top of the cranium, whereas others pivot from the jaw. There are others created that fold open at the top of the head with enamel and diamonds, but pieces like these are extremely rare and command a high price. Examples exist from Switzerland, France, Germany and England. As written by the Taft Museum:

“The skull and watch are part of the standard subject matter of 17th-century vanitas still lifes. Vanitas is from the Latin for “emptiness” or “untruth,” from which comes the English word “vanity.” Such pictures depict objects that have an underlying moral message—usually about the fleeting nature of physical reality. Therefore, it is not surprising that the skull and watch, two reminders of the passage of time, should merge in a single object. The use of the skeleton hand, however, is unusual.1“

Thomas White Memento Mori Watch, c.1780

четверг, 18 октября 2012 г.

понедельник, 8 октября 2012 г.

Contemporary Art Gallery in France With an Odd Facade: Gue(ho)st House

Contemporary Art Gallery in France With an Odd Facade: Gue(ho)st House:
guehost house 1 Contemporary Art Gallery in France With an Odd Facade: Gue(ho)st House
Artists Christophe Berdaguer and Marie Péjus revamped the facade of a building in Delme, a village located in North-Eastern France.  Entitled Gue(ho)st House, the new structure (part of a property belonging to the Centre d’art Contemporain-La Synagogue de Delme) serves as a gallery, studio and event space. The unusual name of the futuristic project was inspired by artist Marcel Duchamp’s wordplay project: A Guest + A Host = A Ghost and pays tribute to the prior functions of the building- prison, school and funeral home.
guehost house 3 Contemporary Art Gallery in France With an Odd Facade: Gue(ho)st House
The two designers revamped the existing structure by employing thick white layers of polystyrene, resulting in original exterior walls, with seemingly liquid features. With the objective of creating “a veritable architectural phantasmagoria”, the artists envisioned a project  in tune with modern trends, yet exuding a strong personality. Different and surprising no matter what the standpoint, the new studio/exhibition space will probably soon become an interesting exhibit itself for tourists across France. How would you comment on its architecture?
guehost house 4 Contemporary Art Gallery in France With an Odd Facade: Gue(ho)st House guehost house 5 Contemporary Art Gallery in France With an Odd Facade: Gue(ho)st House
guehost house 2 Contemporary Art Gallery in France With an Odd Facade: Gue(ho)st House
guehost house 6 Contemporary Art Gallery in France With an Odd Facade: Gue(ho)st House guehost house 8 Contemporary Art Gallery in France With an Odd Facade: Gue(ho)st House
guehost house 7 Contemporary Art Gallery in France With an Odd Facade: Gue(ho)st House prior to renovation
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