(above: Lee Sullivan re-imagines The Usual Suspects for the Who universe. But which one is Keyser Soze?)
It’s November 23rd, a very important day for many of us for the simple reason that on this winter day in 1963 Britain, a new show made its way quietly onto our then black and white screens with little fanfare, a strange old man and his granddaughter who appeared to live in an old-fashioned Police Box which magically was larger on the inside than the outside, the dowdy exterior opening to reveal a gleaming control room for what we soon discovered was a machine capable of travelling through time and space. And travel it did, from those tiny beginnings – no-one involved in the show back then could have imagined that it would now be rapidly approaching its fiftieth anniversary year (so many of us growing up on it) and be the longest running science fiction television show in history, much less that it would now be so resurgent and reaching new audiences across the globe on television, games and comics on both sides of the Atlantic (even crossing over with another of our long-lived TV favourites, Star Trek the Next Generation!). Long may that continue – happy birthday, Doctor Who! Time to hijack Richard’s weekend Art For Art’s Sake regular slot for a special Doctor Who birthday special edition! Enjoy!
(Make it so? The Doctor, Rory and Amy on the bridge of the USS Enterprise in the Doctor Who/Star Trek the Next Generation Crossover Assimilation from IDW)
I know we showed this one before, but it was quite a long time ago and I thought this image of Amy with an overgrown TARDIS was such a cool bit of Who art by Boulet that it deserved a second airing:
This fan portrait of Patrick Troughton’s second Doctor (with his 500 year diary) is simply gorgeous work by Kilinka, found on the Fanpop site:
I love this piece by Barukurii, the humanised TARDIS gives the blushing Doctor a big snog:
Blair Shedd’s depiction of classic Tom Baker companions Leela and K-9 on Gallifrey (borrowed from Comic Attack’s interview with Blair which you can read here):
Illustrator X on Deviant Art mashes up two of my favourite things, Doctor Who and Tim Burton:
Elsie HB‘s portrayal of Matt Smith’s ‘raggedy’ Doctor with the young Amy Pond is beautiful (via Girls Gone Geek):
And I can’t resist adding in this delightful Peanuts-Doctor Who mashup from Larry Wentzel’s Flickr (have a look there, he has a bunch of other cool cartoons to enjoy):