Mr. Peabody & Sherman Concept Art by Priscilla Wong
Three years ago, straight out of school, Priscilla Wong was lucky enough to have the opportunity to work on Peabody and Sherman. Not only did he love the aesthetic of Jay Ward and the premise of a genius dog and his pet boy, He had the chance to work with a team of tremendous talent. The array of places in time periods and richness in Peabody’s world as a result of the WABAC (time traveling machine) made this show particularly fun to work on. The art team was led by their production designer, David James and the amazing Tim Lamb, our art director. All images are property of DreamWorks Animation.
Mr. Peabody & Sherman Concept Art, Mr. Peabody & Sherman Concept art by DreamWorks Animation, DreamWorks Animation, Mr. Peabody & Sherman art, Mr. Peabody & Sherman movie, Concept art, Concept art by DreamWorks Animation, Concept Art, Digital Art, Digitalart, Mr. Peabody & Sherman, art, concept, conceptart