воскресенье, 22 января 2012 г.


My new site is finally roaming the internet of its own volition. Check it out at your leisure and let me know what you think:http://jaestudio.com

I've been in the art game for a while now, and over the last few years I've managed to do a lot of art for game companies, and even a bit of personal work on the side. Over the last year I've really ramped up the amount of personal work I've been doing, and hope to do more with it in the future.

Here are more than a few of my recent pieces, both commissioned and personal art.

(updated 1/20)I've just added a new piece (at bottom) from the Magic:The Gathering Innistrad expansion that was just spoiled on the wizards site. So I can finally show it around!

Attached Images

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