суббота, 4 февраля 2012 г.

Calligraphy Letterform Album

Calligraphy Letterform Album: 'Kalligraphische Schriftvorlagen' (calligraphic writing styles) was produced in the 1620s in Germany by the scribe, Johann Hering.

Kalligraphische Schriftvorlagen by Johann Hering o

Kalligraphische Schriftvorlagen by Johann Hering b

Kalligraphische Schriftvorlagen by Johann Hering n

Kalligraphische Schriftvorlagen by Johann Hering

Kalligraphische Schriftvorlagen by Johann Hering e

Kalligraphische Schriftvorlagen by Johann Hering h

Kalligraphische Schriftvorlagen by Johann Hering g

Kalligraphische Schriftvorlagen by Johann Hering d

Kalligraphische Schriftvorlagen by Johann Hering i

Kalligraphische Schriftvorlagen by Johann Hering a

Kalligraphische Schriftvorlagen by Johann Hering p

Kalligraphische Schriftvorlagen by Johann Hering r

Johann Hering (?1580-1647) compiled his album of elaborate calligraphic letterforms, innovative type arrangements and traditional alphabets over a ten year period in the 1620s and 1630s in the Kulmbach region of Bavaria. (Or it was produced sometime during this time frame: it's not clear)

I tend to believe - and I may well be wrong - that Hering's album is more along the lines of a practice manuscript for himself rather than being a true copybook or modelbook* for educational purposes. The majority of the writing is in German (with occasional Latin) and many of the written pages are obviously copied from the bible, particularly the Book of Psalms.

[*Modelbooks: see here & here]

There is next to nothing by way of commentary online about either Hering's life or the background to his amazing album. He is simply described as a 'writing master'. A number of published books are attributed to Hering - most or all on the type/font arts - and one of his handwriting manuals was apparently republished in German in 1982 (although I didn't actually find much of a trail online).

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